Open Source Philosophy

uSEQ is an open source project, and an open platform for experimentation with code and modular synthesis. This means that the hardware schematics, firmware source code and editor source code are all publicly available. We take this approach because we want to build community around uSEQ and make sure that it’s hackable and modifiable by its users. We’re also acknowledging that uSEQ is built upon the hard work of other open source projects (for example Earle Philhower’s RP2040 Arduino Core, and Adam McDaniel’s WISP). uSEQ is based on academic research, and we adhere to an open research ethic. All our code is MIT licenced, so you can use it in your own projects.


uSEQ is a continually evolving project, and we’re going to be adding new features in the future. We welcome suggestions for new features, and also welcome code and documentation contributions. Take a look at the github issues pages to see what we’re working on at the moment. We welcome pull requests!

Bug Reporting

If you find an issue, we can try and fix it. Please report the issue in as much detail as possible on our github issues page.