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We warmly invite you to our launch event for the uSEQ module, at The Lighthouse in Brighton on Sunday 30th June. Tickets are free, more info here:

Here are tickets for the main evening event, at 6:30-9pm: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/emute-lab-instruments-useq-launch-tickets-925082455527

(sorry all spaces are now reserved for this session) For livecoding workshops in the afternoon: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/emute-lab-instruments-useq-livecoding-workshops-tickets-925086798517

We’ll be introducing the module in the evening, and running live coding workshops in the afternoon. All welcome, whatever your background or interest in modular synthesis and livecoding. We hope to see you there!

** Update ** We just added an extra ticket allocation for the evening, so if you couldn’t sign up before, you should be able to now